Your support and contributions will enable us to accomplish our mission.
100% of all Donations goes directly into maintaining and purchasing operational equipment.
Please use the Donate Now to help process your donation.
If you have equipment that you would like to donate please contact us .
Donations from business and corporations to help support our mission.
Donating surplus gear, tools, or apparatus
Donating equipment or vehicles to help support our mission.
Maintenance Services to help keep our equipment running
Allows FMDART to purchase water rescue capabilities such as a motors or inflatable boat.
1-Person Search & Rescue Backpack Kit includes the items a person needs to quickly respond to a disaster situation. The kit includes tools for cutting, prying and wrecking, plus lighting and personal protection equipment for one person to safely perform basic search and rescue in a natural or man-made disaster. The kit is packaged in a heavy duty 4-pocket backpack.
The Water Rescue Attendant Kit contains many of the items for one rescuer.
5-Person Search & Rescue Container Kit includes a wide assortment of gear, tools and safety supplies for immediate disaster response. This comprehensive kit is designed to assist 5 searchers in rescue situations involving debris from building damage or collapse after an earthquake, hurricane or tornado. This emergency search and rescue kit includes items for personal safety, tools for cutting, chopping and digging through rubble and other emergency gear. This search and rescue kit is packaged in a heavy duty 50 gallon wheeled container for easy transport.
Ideal for powering a variety of electronics and appliances at incident locations this DuroMax XP1000EH portable dual fuel hybrid powered generator will rescue operations running through any storm or disaster.
Provides Fuel to allow us to deploy.